Sunday 19 April 2015.
[Psalm 9:1b-12]
1. I will praise You O Lord, wiith my whole heart, I will show forth (recount and tell aloud) all Your marvelous works and wonderful deeds!
2. I will rejoice in You and be in high spirits; I will sing praises to Your Name, O Most High (Sovereign One)!
3. When my enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before You.
4. For You maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging righteously.
5. You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked; You have blotted their name for ever and ever.
6. The enemy have been cut off and have vanished in everlasting ruins. You have plucked up and overthrown their cities; the very memory of them have perished and vanished.
7. But the Lord shall remain and continue forever; He has prepared and established His throne for judgement.
8. He will judge the world in righteousness (rightness and equity); He will minister justice to the peoples in uprightness.
9. The Lord also will be a Refuge and a High Tower for the oppressed, a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble (high cost, destitution, and desperation.)
10. And they who know Your Name (Your loyal followers) trust in You, for You Lord, do not abandon those who seek Your help.
11. Sing praises the the Lord Who rules in Zion! Tell the nations what He Has done!
12. For the One Who takes revenge against murderers, took notice of the oppressed, HE DID NOT OVERLOOK THEIR CRY FOR HELP!
Sondag 19 April 2015.
[Psalm 9: 2-13]
2. Ek wil die Here loof met my hele hart; ek wil al U wonders vertel.
3. In U wil ek bly wees en juig; ek wil psalmsing tot eer van U Naam, O Allerhoogste.
4. Omdat my vyande agteruitwyk, struikel en omkom van voor U aangesig.
5. Want U het my reg en my regsaak behandel; U het gaan sit op die troon, O Regverdige Regter!
6. U het die heidene gedreig, die goddelose laat omkom, hulle naam uitgedelg, vir ewig en altyd.
7. Die vyande het omgekom - pynhope vir ewig; Ook die stede wat U verwoes het; hulle gedagtenis, ja, dié het vergaan.
8. Maar die Here sit vir ewig; Hy het Sy troon reggesit vir die oordeel.
9. En Hyself sal die wêreld oordeel in geregtigheid, en die volke vonnis met reg.
10. So is die Here dan 'n rotsvesting vir die verdrukte, 'n rotsvesting in tye van benoudheid.
11. En hulle wat U Naam ken, sal op U vertrou, omdat U die wat U soek nie verlaat nie, O Here!
12. Psalmsing tot eer van die Here, wat op Sion woon; verkondig onder die volke Sy dade.
13. Want Hy wat die bloed soek, dink aan hulle; HY VERGEET NIE DIE GEROEP VAN DIE ELLENDIGES NIE.
(DV. I will share some well-known and favourite sections of the Psalms with you as often as I possibly can. /
DV. Sal ek sommige welbekende en gunsteling gedeeltes van die Psalms met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)