Sunday 19 April 2015. 
[Psalm 9:1b-12]
1. I will praise You O Lord, wiith my whole heart, I will show forth (recount and tell aloud) all Your marvelous works and wonderful deeds!
2. I will rejoice in You and be in high spirits; I will sing praises to Your Name, O Most High (Sovereign One)!
3. When my enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before You. 
4. For You maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging righteously. 
5. You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked; You have blotted their name for ever and ever. 
6. The enemy have been cut off and have vanished in everlasting ruins. You have plucked up and overthrown their cities; the very memory of them have perished and vanished. 
7. But the Lord shall remain and continue forever; He has prepared and established His throne for judgement. 
8. He will judge the world in righteousness (rightness and equity); He will minister justice to the peoples in uprightness.  
9. The Lord also will be a Refuge and a High Tower for the oppressed, a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble (high cost, destitution, and desperation.) 
10. And they who know Your Name (Your loyal followers) trust in You, for You Lord, do not abandon those who seek Your help. 
11. Sing praises the the Lord Who rules in Zion! Tell the nations what He Has done!
12. For the One Who takes revenge against murderers, took notice of the oppressed, HE DID NOT OVERLOOK THEIR CRY FOR HELP!

Sondag 19 April 2015. 
[Psalm 9: 2-13]
2. Ek wil die Here loof met my hele hart; ek wil al U wonders vertel. 
3. In U wil ek bly wees en juig; ek wil psalmsing tot eer van U Naam, O Allerhoogste. 
4. Omdat my vyande agteruitwyk, struikel en omkom van voor U aangesig
5. Want U het my reg en my regsaak behandel; U het gaan sit op die troon, O Regverdige Regter!
6. U het die heidene gedreig, die goddelose laat omkom, hulle naam uitgedelg, vir ewig en altyd. 
7. Die vyande het omgekom - pynhope vir ewig; Ook die stede wat U verwoes het; hulle gedagtenis, ja, dié het vergaan. 
8. Maar die Here sit vir ewig; Hy het Sy troon reggesit vir die oordeel
9. En Hyself sal die wêreld oordeel in geregtigheid, en die volke vonnis met reg.
10. So is die Here dan 'n rotsvesting vir die verdrukte, 'n rotsvesting in tye van benoudheid. 
11. En hulle wat U Naam ken, sal op U vertrou, omdat U die wat U soek nie verlaat nie, O Here!
12. Psalmsing tot eer van die Here, wat op Sion woon; verkondig onder die volke Sy dade. 
13. Want Hy wat die bloed soek, dink aan hulle; HY VERGEET NIE DIE GEROEP VAN DIE ELLENDIGES NIE.     

Many thanks to André Heigan who submitted this awesome picture. 

(DV. I will share some well-known and favourite sections of the Psalms with you as often as I possibly can.  /
DV. Sal ek sommige welbekende en gunsteling gedeeltes van die Psalms met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)

PSALM 18. - PSALM 18.

Friday 24 April 2014.
[Psalm 57:10,11]
10. For Your mercy and loving-kindness are great, reaching to the heavens, and Your truth and faithfulness to the clouds. 
11. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let Your glory be over all the earth. 

1. English - (Amplified Bible Version)
[Psalm 18:1-13]
1. I love You fervently and devotedly, O Lord, my Strength. 
2. The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my keen and firm Strength, in Whom I will trust and take refuge; my Shield and the horn of my salvation, my High Tower.  
(A song of David, after God saved him from the hand of his enemies, as well as the hand of Saul.)
3. I will call upon the Lord, Who is to be praised; so I shall be saved from my enemies. 
4. The cords or bands of death surrounded me, and the streams of ungodliness and the torrents of ruin terrified me.   
5. The cords of Sheol (the place of the dead) surrounded me; the snares of death confronted and came upon me. 
6. In my distress (when seemingly closed in) I called upon the Lord and cried to my God; He heard my voice out of His temple (heavenly dwelling place), and my cry came before Him, into His (very) ears. 
7. Then the earth quaked and rocked, the foundations also of the mountains trembled; they moved and were shaken, because He was indignant and angry. 
8. There went up smoke from His nostrils; and lightning out of His mouth devoured; coals were kindled by it. 
9. He bowed the heavens also and came down; and thick darkness was under His feet. 
10. And He rode upon a cherub (a storm)  and flew (swiftly); yes, He sped on with the wings of the wind. 
11. He made darkness His secret hiding place; as His pavilion (His canopy) round about Him, were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. 
12. Out of the brightness before Him there broke forth through His thick clouds hailstones and coals of fire. 
13. The Lord also thundered from the heavens, and the Most High uttered His voice, amid hailstones and coals of fire.  

[Psalm 57:"11,12]
11. Want U goedertierenheid is groot tot by die hemele, en U trou tot by die wolke. 
12. Verhef U bo die hemele O God, U heerlikheid bo die hele aarde! 

2. Afrikaans - (Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling)
[Psalm 18:1-14]
1. 'n Psalm van David, die kneg van die Here, wat die woorde van hierdie lied tot die Here gespreek het, op die dag toe die Here hom gered het uit die hand van al sy vyande, en uit die hand van Saul. 
2. Ek het U hartlik lief, Here, my Sterkte. 
3. Die Here is my Rots en my Bergvesting en my Redder; my Rots, my God by wie ek skuil; my Skild en die horing van my heil, my Rotsvesting. 
4. Ek roep die Here aan wat lofwaardig is, en  van my vyande word ek verlos. 
5. Bande van die dood het my omring, en strome van onheil het my oorval. 
6. Bande van die doderyk was rondom my; strikke van die dood het my teëgekom. 
7. Toe ek benoud was, het ek die Here aangeroep, en ek het tot my God geroep om hulp; Hy het my stem uit Sy paleis gehoor, en my hulpgeroep voor Sy aangesig het in Sy ore gekom.  
8. Toe het die aarde geskud en gebewe; die fondamente van die berge het gesidder en geskud, omdat Hy toornig was. 
9. Rook in Sy neus het opgegaan; en 'n vuur uit Sy mond het verteer; kole uit Hom het gebrand. 
10. En Hy het die hemel gebuig en neergedaal, en donkerheid was onder Sy voete.  
11. En Hy het op 'n gérub gery en gevlieg, ja, Hy het gesweef op die vleuels van die wind. 
12. Duisternis het Hy Sy skuilplek gemaak, Sy hut rondom Hom; duisternis van waters, diktes van wolke. 
13. Deur die glans voor Hom, het Sy wolke verbygetrek, hael en gloeiende kole. 
14. En die Here het in die hemel gedonder, en die Allerhoogste het Sy stem laat hoor, hael en gloeiende kole!

Many thanks to Pastor John Hagee for this very true and relevant portion of Scripture.

(DV I will share some well-known and favourite sections from the Psalms with you, as often as I possibly can.  /
DV. Sal ek sommige welbekende en geliefde gedeeltes uit die Psalms met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)

PSALM 17. - PSALM 17.

Thursday 23 April 2015. 
[Psalm 150:6]
Let everything that has breath, and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

1. English - (Amplified Bible Version)
[Psalm 17:1-15]
A prayer of David. 
1. Hear the right (my righteous cause), O Lord; listen to my shrill, piercing cry. Give ear to my prayer, that comes from unfeigned and guileless lips. 
2. Let my sentence of vindication come from You! May Your eyes behold the things that are just and upright. 
3. You have proved my heart; You have visited me in the night; You have tried me and found nothing (no evil purpose in me); I have purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. 
4. Concerning the works of men, by the word of Your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent (the paths of the destroyer).
5. My steps have held closely to Your paths (to the tracks of the One Who Has gone on before); my feet have not slipped. 
6. I have called upon You O God, for You will hear me; incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech. 
7. Show Your marvelous loving-kindness, O You who save by Your right hand those who trust and take refuge in You from those who rise up against them. 
8. Keep and guard me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings, 
9. From the wicked who despoil and oppress me, my deadly adversaries who surround me.  
10. They are enclosed in their own prosperity and have shut up their hearts to pity; with their mouths they make exorbitant claims and proudly and arrogantly speak.  
11. They track us down in each step we take; now they surround us; they set their eyes to cast us to the ground. 
12. Like a lion, greedy and eager to tear his prey. And as a young lion lurking in hidden places. 
13. Arise, O Lord! Confront and forestall them, cast them down! Deliver my life from the wicked by Your sword,
14. From men by Your hand, O Lord,from  men of this world (these poor moths of the night), whose portion in life is idle and vain. Their bellies are filled with Your hidden treasure (what You have stored up); their children are satiated, and they leave the rest (of their) wealth to their babes. 
15. As for me, I will continue beholding Your face in righteousness (rightness, justice and right standing with You); I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake (to find myself) beholding Your form (and having sweet communion with You).

Donderdag 23 April 2015. 
[Psalm 150:6]
Laat alles wat asem het, die Here loof! Halleluja. 

2. Afrikaans - (Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling)
[Psalm 17:1-15]
1. 'n Gebed van Dawid. Here, hoor 'n regverdige saak, let op my smeking; luister tog na my gebed, met onbedrieglike lippe. 
2. Laat U reg voor my aangesig uitgaan; laat U oë regverdig sien. 
3. U het my hart getoets, dit in die nag ondersoek. U het my gekeur, U vind niks nie; wat ek ook dink, my mond oortree nie. 
4. Aangaande die handelinge van die mens, ék het deur die woord van U lippe, die paaie van die geweldenaar vermy. 
5. My gange het vasgehou aan U spore, my voetstappe het nie gewankel nie. 
6. Ek roep U aan, want U verhoor my, O God! Neig U oor tot my, luister na my woord!
7. Maak U gunsbewyse wonderbaar, O Verlosser, van die wat by U regterhand skuil vir teëstanders!
8. Bewaar my soos 'n oogappel; verberg my in die skaduwee van U vleuels. 
9. Teen die goddelose wat my geweld aandoen, my doodsvyande wat my omring. 
10. Hulle het hul gevoel afgesluit; met hul mond, spreek hulle hoogmoedig. 
11. Nou het hulle ons in ons gang omsingel; hulle rig hulle daarop om ons op die grond uit te strek. 
12. Hy is soos 'n leeu wat begerig is om te verskeur, en soos 'n jong leeu wat in skuilplekke klaar lê. 
13. Staan op Here, gaan hom tegemoet, werp hom neer; red my van die goddelose met U swaard;
14. Met U hand van die manne, O Here, van die manne wie se deel in die lewe uit die wêreld is, en wie se buik U vul met U verborge skat; wie se seuns daarvan nog sat is, wat weer hulle oorskot aan hulle kinders laat agterbly. 
15. Maar ek sal U aangesig in geregtigheid aanskou; ek sal versadig word met U beeld as ek wakker word. 
Many thanks for this relevant and very true picture from John Hagee Ministries. 
(DV. I will share some well-known and favourite sections of the Psalms with you as often as I possibly can.  /
DV. Sal ek sommige welbekende en gunsteling gedeeltes uit die Psalms met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)

PSALM 11. - PSALM 11

Tuesday 21 April 2015. 
[Psalm 10:15]
Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness, that would not be found out.

1. English - (New International Version)
[Psalm 11:1-7]
1. A Psalm of David. In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: "Fly like a bird to your mountain?
2. "For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. 
3. "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" 
4. The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord is on His heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; His eyes examines them.
5. The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, and those who love violence, His soul hates. 
6. On the wicked He will rain fiery coals and burning sulphur; a scorching wind will be their lot.  
7. For the Lord is righteous, He loves justice; upright men will see His face.

Dinsdag 21 April 2015. 
[Psalm 10:15]
Verbreek die arm van die goddelose en slegte; besoek sy goddeloosheid, totdat U niks vind nie! 

[Psalm 11:1-7]
1. 'n Psalm van Dawid. By die Here skuil ek. Hoe kan julle dan vir my sê: "Vlug na julle berg soos 'n voël!
2. "Want kyk, die goddelose span die boog; hulle het hul pyl op die snaar reggesit om in die donker te skiet na die opregtes van hart. 
3. "As die fondamente omgegooi word, wat kan die regverdige doen?"
4. Die Here is in Sy heilige paleis; die troon van die Here is in die hemel; Sy oë sien, Sy ooglede toets die mensekinders. 
5. Die Here toets die regverdige; maar Sy siel haat die goddelose en die wat geweld liefhet
6. Hy sal op die goddelose vangnette, vuur en swawel laat reën; en 'n gloeiende wind sal die deel van hulle beker wees. 
7. Want die Here is regverdig. Hy het geregtighede lief; die opregtes sal Sy aangesig sien. 

(DV I will share some well-known and favourite sections of the Psalms with you as often as I possibly can.  /
DV Sal ek sommige welbekende en geliefde gedeeltes van die Psalms met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)

PSALM 13. - PSALM 13.

Wednesday 22 April 2915. 
[Psalm 11:1]
In the Lord I take refuge. 

PSALM 13. 
1. English - (New International Version)
[Psalm 13:1-6]
1. How long, O Lord? Will You forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your face from me?
2. How long must I wrestle with my thoughts, and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? 
3. Look on me, and answer O Lord my God! Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in  death;
4. My enemy will say: "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall. 
5. But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your savation. 
6. I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me.

Woensdag 22April 2015. 
[Psalm 11:1]
By die Here skuil ek. 

2. Afrikaans - (Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling)
[Psalm 13:1-6]
1. 'n Psalm van Dawid. 
2. Hoe lank Here, sal U my altyddeur vergeet? Hoe lank sal U vir my U aangesig verberg? 
3. Hoe lank sal ek planne beraam in my siel, met kommer in my hart oordag? Hoe lank sal my vyand hom oor my verhef?
4. Aanskou tog, verhoor my, Here my God! Verlig my oë, sodat ek nie in die dood inslaap nie;
5. Sodat my vyand nie kan sê: "Ek het hom oorwin nie," en my teëstanders nie kan juig as ek wankel nie. 
6. Maar ek - op U goedertierenheid vertrou ek; my hart sal juig oor U heilEk wil sing tot eer van die Here, omdat Hy aan my goed gedoen het. 

(DV. I will share some well-known and favourite sections from the Psalms with you as often as I possibly can.  /
DV. Sal ek sommige welbekende en gunsteling gedeeltes uit die Psalms met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)